نانسی لانگ گفته که یوچان مرد ایده آلشه نانسی گفته که یوچان واقعا یه مرد س.ک.س.ی.ه تصور کنین که در شاهزاده زیر شیروانی(منظورش فیلمه هست) دستشوبگیریو باهاش قدم بزنی
(یوچان فقط تو یکیو کم داشت)
Pop artist Nancy Lang recently recorded MBC “Talk Concert Queen” said her ideal type is ” A man with s...e..x...y head” and among the artists she choose Park Yoochun!
She said ” Every time when he acted, his eyes expression will change and his passion looks make one feels he is really a man with s..e..x..y brain.
Imagine in Rooftop Prince, holding hand and strolling in the palace with him. “
در فیلم دریای مه یوچان نقش ملوانی به اسم دونگ شیک رو داره که تحت رهبریه کاپیتان(با بازی کیم یون سوک) کار میکنه
WowKeren.com - JYJ's Micky Yoochun will make his debut in a leading role on the big screen. Serial actor "I Miss You" will star in a movie called "Sea Fog". He lined up as the main character of the film.
"After a long discussion, Yoochun finally confirmed to join in this film," said a source from OSEN. "He is currently negotiating the details of the contract."
In this film, Yoochun will act as a seaman named Dong Shik, who works under the leadership of the captain (played by Kim Yoon Suk). Reportedly, many famous Korean actor Dong Shik is eyeing a role that ultimately falls on Yoochun's.
Actually, Yoochun has never appeared as a cameo in a movie, but this will be the first film in which he plays the main character. Previously, Yoochun better known by his acting on screen who starred in the series "Sungkyukwan Scandal", "Miss Ripley" and "Rooftop Prince".
"Sea Fog" will be directed by Shim Sung Bo and diproduser by Bong Joon Ho ("Snowpiercer"). The film is based on a play in 2007, which tells the story of the ship and her crew. The plan, "Sea Fog" will start filming in October. (wk / rs)
عکسهایی از دی وی دیه میس ریپلی ورژن ژاپنی
اینم یه سری دیگشه اصلیاشم به زودی میاد
ادامه... ادامه مطلب ...
عکسای پاییزیه جی وای جی پارتای بعدیشم به زودی میاد
ادامه مطلب ...جی وای جی در موزیک کره بازیهای اینچئون شرکت نمیکنه ظاهرا شرکتاشون با هم مشکل پیدا کرده...نکنه زیر سر اس امه
من کلی منتظر اجرای جی وای جی تو بازیهای اینچئون بودم
اون موزیک ویدیویی که ساختن چی میشه؟؟؟؟
کمپانی جی وای جی خیلی از این موضوع ناراحته
(غزل اینو ترجمه کن)
Even though C-JeS Entertainment had made an objection against JYJ not being invited to perform at the 'Incheon Korea Music Wave 2013', the final decision has come out and the boys will not be performing.
The official T.w.it.t.e.r account of Incheon Development and Tourism Committee t.w.e..et.e.d the decision by saying, "Our city has discussed with the related agency about JYJ's appearance on the event. Unfortunately JYJ couldn't join this time due to conflict of interest between entertainment management companies. We plan to have JYJ included in the future events hosted by the 2014 Incheon Asian Games Organizing Committee and its overseas promotions."
حتی اگه کمپانیC-JeS علیه اینکه جی وای جی برای اجرا توی Incheon Korea Music Wave 2013'دعوت نشده اعتراض کرده باشه..نتیجه و تصمیم نهایی آماده است..و پسرا اجرایی نخواهند داشت..ت.و.ی.ی.ت رسمی ای برنامه تصمیمش رو که "شهر ما با آژانس مربوط به حضور و اجرای جی وای جی در مراسم..مورد بحث است..
متاسفانه جی وای جی به علت تضاد منافع شرکت مدریت سرگرمی نمیتونه توی این برنامه شرکت کنه!
آپدیت لاین...لاک میزنه
[TRANS] It’s tough maintaining Xia Death’s visuals~ ha when the nail esthetician isn’t here and my nails are chipping, my manager applies it for me! It seems like Seongho was a nail esthetician~! Amazing!!!! Kekeke you’re always robust!!
به نظرتون این حرف یوچان واسه همون خبره نیس
"I don't care what they say, i'm in love with you. They try to pull me away. But they don’t know the truth"
من اهمیتی نمیدم که بقیه چی میگن من در عشق با شما هستم اونا سعی می کنن منو کنار بزنن ولی حقیقتو نمیدونن
(بیخود کردن بخوان تورو کنار بزنن مگه کس دیگه ای هم میتونه جای تورو بگیره)
[TRANS] #Someday #with #lovely #good #brother #happy
#goodbrother #drinkcoffeeallthroughthenight #chitchat
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