اینم ویدیو مصاحبه JYJ برای پوشاک پائیزه NII 2013 ترنس حرفاشونو تو پست پایین گذاشتم
[Trans] 130821 JYJ NII Interview
JYJ: Hello, we are JYJ.
JJ: Nice to meet you.
YC: How have you been?
JJ: Have have you been?
JS: I've been well.
JJ: It's been such a long time.
JJ: We are greeting you in such a long time through this N-I-I poster shooting. When we wore the clothes we wore last autumn, we wore clothes with colours fitting the autumn season.
YC: That's right.
JJ: But this time, I think they are more colourful than any other time. So even the socks, shoes...
YC: Pants, too
JJ: Yes, pants too... We matched all the various colours.
YC: If you wear socks having (fashion) sense and if you fold up the pants, I think it's pretty.
JJ: I think it's a good idea.
JJ: How could the clothes fit (me) so well? It's so marvelous. Please, give N-I-I lots of love. I think you really should. Though they are already receiving a lot of love now.
YC: That's right.
JJ: Please, love me too.
JS: There are a lot of funny props on the NII shooting set and it incites us to have fun while shooting.
YC: I'm always saying that but more than any other shooting set, it's the one where we can shoot comfortably and enjoy shooting the most.
JS: That's right.
JJ: There's also this. There's also this. When we wear suits or subdued clothes, if we want to do cute stuffs, it's hard (to do it), right?
YC: Yes, it doesn't match.
JS: Yes, it's hard.
JJ: N-I-I clothes are...
YC: They're fresh.
JS: That's right.
JS: That's why I think my mind is back to "young age" when I wear their clothes. I think it shows openly on me, on us.
JS: We are enjoying shooting. Please, keep giving N-I-I lots of love.
JYJ: Please, love me and...
JS: I love... (T/N Actually, he wants to say "I love you, too" by saying "NII loves you too" because NII sounds exactly like "you" in Korean! XD)
JS: Did they conspire?
YC: We didn't.
JS: Let's do it together! Just like they were receiving a confession.
YC: Alright.
JYJ: Please love me and...
JS: I love...
JS: I said, let's do it!
YC: Please, say it with confidence!
JS: Let's neatly say "NII loves you too" (T/N also meaning "I love you, too") then it's over!
YC: Please, say it again.
JS: I'm saying, let's get this through with a Kyungsangdo feeling!
JJ: Then what about the fans from Kangwondo, Jejudo, Jeollado, Chungcheondo who are watching this video? What if they get all upset?
JS: Let's just process little by little.
JYJ: Please love me and...
JS: I'm not doing it!!
دختر گلم
"" Death feels good .. ^ ^ .. but it seems that I am actually scarier .. ""
"" Death is coming to Seoul Arts Center .. ^ ^ ""
"" Death acting cute .. ^ ^;; ""
جی وای جی تبدیل شده به دلقک خوش تیپ برای NII، تا دل زنارو ببره
NII has released the Autumn photo spread of JYJ, a group of good-looking, talented singers. JYJ are drawing attention for transforming into cute clowns for their latest photo spread.
Jaejoong completed his casual look with a navy coat and orange Holic pants. The bright colors went well with his pale skin and made his facial features pop.
Junsu matched a striped cardigan with blue slim skinny pants. He accentuated his outfit with a red fedora to give off a mischievous feel.
Yoochun wore a scarlet cardigan and green pants to show his cute side. Smiling brightly as he spun dishes, he transformed into a happy clown for his photo.
It was later said that JYJ were able to take any object, from clubs to plates, and make witty poses with them, to the delight and awe of the staff.
شرکت نیتیزن کره آیدول هایی که پوست زیبایی دارن رو معرفی کرده کی پاپ استارز ژاپن گفته که اینا دارای پوست زیبایی هستن به طوریکه از پوست زنان هم زیباترن
نفر اول جیجی از جی وای جی که به عنوان اولین آیدول معرفی شده(طیق معمول که تو همه چارتای زیبایی هست)
ژوئن امسال از جیجی پرسیدن که راز زیباییه پوستت چیه اونم گفته هنگامی که یه مشکل پوستی دارم بلافاصله به متخصص رجوع میکنم شما نیاز دارین که به طور منظم و زیاد آب بخورین
نفرات بعدیه این لیست:
2 key shinee
3. Gunwoo My Name
4. Suho Exo
5. Jay Park ( Park jae bum)
JYJ will become honorary citizens of Jeju Island for their contribution on the Seven Wonders of Nature Campaign.
The boys have previously been chosen as the ambassadors of the island for international promotion purposes.
With JYJ’s help, the island was voted as one of the New Seven wonders of Nature by the New Seven Wonders committee. On behalf of the island, JYJ actively promoted internationally to help raise the profile of the island. The members were selected as honorary citizens for their influence and ability to attract and raise foreign votes for the island.
Depending on their world tour schedule, there’s a possibility the members will be able to attend the official appointment ceremony.
Source : allkpop.com
اعضای جی وا جی قراره مراسم عجایب هفت گانه ی کمپین حقوق بشر در جزیره ی جیجو به عنوان شهروندان افتخاری شرکت کنند..پسرا از قبل به عنوان سفیران جزیره برای اهداف ارتقایی بین المللی انتخاب شده بودند..
با کمک جی وای جی این جزیره به عنوان یکی از عجایب هفت گانه توسط کمیته ی جدید شناسایی شده..
ای جووووونم برید ادامه ببینید چه خبرهههههه اونایی که نمیتونن صبر کنن عکسا لود شه از لینکی که گذاشتم میتونن دانلود کنن فایل عکسارو
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برای دیدن عکسا برید ادامه...
بخش هایی از حرفهای یوچان که چند مدت پیش چند خطیش منتشر شده بود(غزل اگه وقت داشتی ترجمش کن)
Park Yuchun has said those words that touched people, including his love towards his fans and his sentiments towards his dreams. He is the precious darling who is worth our protection.
Park Yuchun said before:
Like a ahjusshi sleeping by the road side.. Like the long bench in the park,I feel that myself is just staying at the same position quietly
Unconsciously I think that thousands and millions of people are paying attention to me..
I’ve remembered countless of smile and tears that I have brushed past Kept in some places in my brain..
یوچون قبلا گفته:
مثل یه مرد میان سال که کنار جاده خوابیده..مثل یه نیمکت طولانی توی پارک...من احساس میکنم که بی سر و صدا توی اون موقعیت میمونم...
ناخودآگاه من به هزازان و میلیون ها انسان که دارن به من توجه میکنن فکر میکنم...
اشک ها و لبخندهای بیشماری که من گذشته ی خار رو توی یه گوشه ای از مغزم نگه داشتم..
Park Yuchun said before:
If water is the combination of hydrogen and oxygen,Love is the living form of understanding and forgiveness.
یوچون قبلا گفته:
اگر آب حاصل ترکیب هیدروژن و اکسیژنه!عشق هم ترکیبی از درک و بخششه!!
Park Yuchun said before:
My appearance yesterday is my appearance today.
I have accepted the reality and engraved it to my heart that because there was a me yesterday then only there is a me now,
Plan to face any difficulties no matter what, and to advance bravely, never give up easily.
I want to bear in mind that those little matters that happen every second every moment is an experience for self-improvement, and caution myself to strive hard to keep on surviving.
یوچون گفته:
ظاهر دیروز من ظاهر امروزمه!
من واقعیت رو قبول کردم وتوی قلبم حکاکیش کردم...چون من دیروز بودم و الانم هستم..
برنامه ریزی کن که با همه سختی روبرو بشی..بدون توجه بهشون.. وشجاعانه پیش بری..و به آسونی جا نزنی...میخوام اینو توی ذهنم داشته باشم که..
این مشکلات کوچکی که لحظه به لحظه..ثانیه به ثانیه برای من اتفاق میفته ...تجربه هایی برای پیشرفتم و هشداری برای تلاشی سخت برای زنده موندن محسوب میشن...
Park Yuchun said before:
I think that clearing the obstacles and difficulties alone is very important.In the procedure of fighting yourself and how you conquer yourself is very important,
How to give yourself some space is also very important.
یوچون گفته:
فکر میکنم که پاک کردن موانع و مشکلات خیلی مهمه..در روند جنگ با خود و مغلوب کردن خودتون و همچنین دادن میقداری فضا به خودتون خیلی مهمه!!
Park Yuchun said before:
When becoming a high school senior I have taken varies of part time jobs.Because during those times our home definitely was not a fortunate family,
Furthermore I do not hope that my little brother will have to go through the same path as me,So within my ability, I’ve used the money I earned from jobs.Prepared anything that my little brother had wanted,And also always fetch him home after school.
Actually you can say that what I’ve done to my little brother were the things I have hoped to get from my parents.
یوچون گفته:
وقتی ارشد دبیرستان شدم..کارهای پاره وقت زیادی انجام میدادم...چون در اون زمان..ما خونواده ی خوشبختی نبودیم...علاوه بر این دلم نمیخواست که برادر کوچکم همون مسیر من رو ادامه بده..من با پولی که بدست آوردم هرچیزی که برادر کوچولوم میخواست واسش فراهم کردم...و همچنین اونو از مدرسه به خونه میوردم..
در واقع میتونید اینطوری فکر کنید"هر اونچه من از خانوادم برای خودم انتظار داشتم برای داداشم پیاده کردم..
Park Yuchun said before:
I heard that the most beautiful things in the world is to love and being loved..Now we are the happiest, the most beautiful people, right??
یوچون گفته:
من شنیدم که زیباترین چیز توی دنیا عشق و عاشق شدنه...الان ما شادترینیم..زیباترین مردم..درسته؟
Park Yuchun said before:
Although I really possessed a lot of blessed times, any happiness in the past will not be able to excel my current happiness.It is not purely because I am able to become singer that I have always liked and wanted, but
because the Park Yuchun that is so ordinary.. So normal before this, now having so much love and care by everyone, and able to feel love at all times, I am very blessed. I have known what is “trust”..
Once again I’m able to feel what is called “friendship” and able to feel “the heart that has love”.
Although I’m not able to know every single person that I love, before sleep I will pray: ’God, I sincerely hope that all the people I love are blessed.’ Tonight is the same; tomorrow night will also be the same .
Thank you to all of you who have loved and protected me all the time I will also love you all forever and ever.
یوچون گفته:
اگرچه من واقعا زمان های پربرکت زیادی داشتم..هیچ شادی در گذشته ی من نمیتونه بهتر از شادی فعلی من باشه..من خالصانه نیستم..چون من قادرم که خواننده ای بشم که همیشه دوست داشتم و میخواستم..اما چون یوچون خیلی عادی و معمولیه..الان خیلی عشق داره و توسط همه مراقبت میشه..و قادره که عشق رو توی همه ی لحظه ها احساس کنه..من شناختم که اعتماد چیه!!..و الان کاملا میتونم دوستی رو درک کنم..و میتونم قلبی که عاشقه رو درک کنم..اگرچه نمیتونم تک تک آدم هایی رو عاشقشونم بشناسم..قبل از خوابم عبادت میکنم"خدا..من خالصانه ازت میخوام که همه ی مردمی که عاشقشونم خوشبخت باشن..امشب و فردا شب همین شکلیه...
از همتون که من رو دوست دارین ممنونم..من هم تا ابد شما رو دوست خواهم داشت..
Park Yuchun said before:
Hesitation on the contrary is opportunity.
Because we are thinking of starting anew from that point..
یوچون گفته:
تردید در مقابل فرصت...
چون ما به شروع از همون نقطه فکر میکنیم..{از بس تنبلیم...}
Park Yuchun said before:
Even if I am not able to express everything from the bottom of my heart.Please remember the point that I exist together for you with everyone.
After becoming singer I have learnt that during sad or difficult times, the ways to suppress my tears instead crying.I love you I love you because loving you too much makes me want to cry, but I can only smile.I love all of you truthfully..
یوچون گفته:
اگر حتی نتونم تموم اونچه در اعماق قلبمه بیان کنم..خواهشا این نکته رو بیاد داشته باشید که ما به خاطر شما و باهم زنده ایم..
بعد از خواننده شدن من در زمان های شادی و ناراحتی راه سرکوب کردن اشک هام به جای گریه کردن رو یاد گرفتم..من عاشقتون چون عاشق شما بودن منو وادار میکنه که بخوام گریه کنم..ولی من فقط میتونم بخندم..من حقیقتا عاشقتونم...
Park Yuchun said before:
Compared to doing things nicely, doing things diligently is more important..Maybe the world needs more of those who do it nicely..But even if you compromise with the world, please do not bury yourself in this world.
مقایسه ی خوب انجام دادن چیزها..با پشتکار انجام دادن خیلی مهمتر...شاید دنیا به افرادی که به خوبی انجامش میدم نیاز داشته باشه..اما حتی اگه هم با دنیا سازش داری خواهشا..خودتو توی این دنیا دفن نکن...
Park Yuchun said before:
Everyone also do not have to worry, I will become stronger..
یوچون گفته:
هیچ کس نباید نگرانی داشته باشه..ما محکم و قویتر خواهیم شد...
Park Yuchun said before:
I listen to music everyday to prevent myself from being sentimental.Really listened to all kinds of music
یوچون گفته:
من هر روز آهنگ گوش میدم تا از احساساتی بودنم جلوگیری کنم..واقعا به همه نوع آهنگی گوش میدم..
Park Yuchun said before:
When I’m happy there is always music around me.When I’m sad there is also music beside me,
Because of the existence of music I have the thought of being more hardworking,All of the things seems like they don’t have endings,
The more you understand music, the more you think that its charm is beyond boundary.To me music is really almost like another me,Just like I have healed my wound through music I also feel that through my music if I am able to help people who are troubled or helpless .
Then I will feel very blessed.
یوچون گفته:
وقتی خوشحالم همیشه موزیک اطرافم هست..وقتی هم غمگینم موزیک کنارمه..به خاطر وجود موزیک..من فکر میکنم که بیشتر تلاش میکنم...به نظر میرسه که هیچ چیز پایانی نداره..بیشتر که موزیک رو درک بکنی..مثل یه مرهم برای درمان زخم ها میمونه...
من همچنین احساس میکنم که اگه میتونستم که مردمی که ناامیدن رو با موزیکم کمک کنم خیلی خوشبختم....
Park Yuchun said before:
When I was in the States no one recognize me,Sometimes I feel that my self-existence will probably disappear just like that I felt very insecure.That time I always do not go out
یوچون گفته:
وقتی توی آمریکا بودم کسی منو نمیشناخت..بعضی اوقات احساس میکردم که وجودم پنهان میشه..درست مثل اینکه خیلی احساس نا امنی میکردم...اون موقع ها بیرون نمیرفتم...
Park Yuchun said before:
What do you think of when hearing the word “portray”?Definitely is “dream”.I feel that to portray a dream, the first thing is not to forget your dream.Day by day it will gather at a corner.
یوچون گفته:
وقتی کلمه ی"تجسم"رو میشنوید به چی فکر میکنید؟قطعا"رویا"...من احساس تجسم رویا رو میکنم...اولین چیز فراموش نکردن رویاتونه...روز به روز به گوشه ای جمع میشه...
Park Yuchun said before:
Suddenly become very sad. Yuchun’s solution is? To enjoy it.Accept the reality of that sadness, looking back at yourself and then go solve it..
I hope to become myself to be able to enjoy that kind of situation
یوچون گفته:
ناگهان خیلی غمگین میشم...راه حل یوچون؟که ازش لذت ببرم..واقعیت این ناراحتی رو قبول کنم..به خودم نگاه کنم...و بعدش برای حلش اقدام کنم..
من امیدوارم که کسی بشم که از این مدل موقعیت ها لذت ببرم..
خیلی طولانی بود ولی منکه خیلی از این حرفا درس گرفتم..
این شیرین ترین ترجمه ی تا به امروزم بوده...
تقدیم به همه ی طرفدارای یوچون مخصوصا....مهسای گلم چون این حرف ها خیلی...مهسا...