[SCANS] Junsu in ‘Elisabeth’ Musical 2013 Booklet

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[PICS] Jaejoong Endorsing THIERS bracelet

اسپانسره یا خودش طراحی کرده؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟


مجموع کالکشن و بنرهای پسرا واسه NII آخر کیفیتن حالشو ببرین لینک دانلودشو گذاشتم

Download 39 Pics (18.74 MB) Mediafire

MBC morning news reported today #Yuchun is the rising star of Chungmuro! (Korean equivalent of Hollywood)

اخبار امروز صبح ام بی سی گفته که یوچان ستاره ایه که به چونگ مورو ارتقا پیدا میکنه

(منظورشون از چونگ مورو هالیوود هست معادل کره ایش این میشه من خودم مطئنم یوچان به هالیوود میره)

JYJ’s Interview for NII 2013 Fall

اینم ویدیو مصاحبه JYJ برای پوشاک پائیزه NII 2013 ترنس حرفاشونو تو پست پایین گذاشتم


[Trans] 130821 JYJ NII Interview

ترنس ویدیویی که برای  NII منتشر شد

[Trans] 130821 JYJ NII Interview
JYJ: Hello, we are JYJ.
JJ: Nice to meet you.
YC: How have you been?
JJ: Have have you been?
JS: I've been well.
JJ: It's been such a long time.
JJ: We are greeting you in such a long time through this N-I-I poster shooting. When we wore the clothes we wore last autumn, we wore clothes with colours fitting the autumn season.
YC: That's right.
JJ: But this time, I think they are more colourful than any other time. So even the socks, shoes...
YC: Pants, too
JJ: Yes, pants too... We matched all the various colours.
YC: If you wear socks having (fashion) sense and if you fold up the pants, I think it's pretty.
JJ: I think it's a good idea.
JJ: How could the clothes fit (me) so well? It's so marvelous. Please, give N-I-I lots of love. I think you really should. Though they are already receiving a lot of love now.
YC: That's right.
JJ: Please, love me too.
JS: There are a lot of funny props on the NII shooting set and it incites us to have fun while shooting.
YC: I'm always saying that but more than any other shooting set, it's the one where we can shoot comfortably and enjoy shooting the most.
JS: That's right.
JJ: There's also this. There's also this. When we wear suits or subdued clothes, if we want to do cute stuffs, it's hard (to do it), right?
YC: Yes, it doesn't match.
JS: Yes, it's hard.
JJ: N-I-I clothes are...
YC: They're fresh.
JS: That's right.
JS: That's why I think my mind is back to "young age" when I wear their clothes. I think it shows openly on me, on us.
JS: We are enjoying shooting. Please, keep giving N-I-I lots of love.
JYJ: Please, love me and...
JS: I love... (T/N Actually, he wants to say "I love you, too" by saying "NII loves you too" because NII sounds exactly like "you" in Korean! XD)
JS: Did they conspire?
YC: We didn't.
JS: Let's do it together! Just like they were receiving a confession.
YC: Alright.
JYJ: Please love me and...
JS: I love...
JS: I said, let's do it!
YC: Please, say it with confidence!
JS: Let's neatly say "NII loves you too" (T/N also meaning "I love you, too") then it's over!
YC: Please, say it again.
JS: I'm saying, let's get this through with a Kyungsangdo feeling!
JJ: Then what about the fans from Kangwondo, Jejudo, Jeollado, Chungcheondo who are watching this video? What if they get all upset?
JS: Let's just process little by little.
JYJ: Please love me and...
JS: I'm not doing it!!

[T..w..it..t..e..r] Junsu's account from ... -3 -:

دختر گلم

"" Death feels good .. ^ ^ .. but it seems that I am actually scarier .. ""

"" Death is coming to Seoul Arts Center .. ^ ^ ""

"" Death acting cute .. ^ ^;; ""

[TRANS] JYJ Transform Into Handsome Clowns For NII, Out To Steal The Hearts Of Women

جی وای جی تبدیل شده به دلقک خوش تیپ برای NII، تا دل زنارو ببره

NII has released the Autumn photo spread of JYJ, a group of good-looking, talented singers. JYJ are drawing attention for transforming into cute clowns for their latest photo spread.
Jaejoong completed his casual look with a navy coat and orange Holic pants. The bright colors went well with his pale skin and made his facial features pop.
Junsu matched a striped cardigan with blue slim skinny pants. He accentuated his outfit with a red fedora to give off a mischievous feel.
Yoochun wore a scarlet cardigan and green pants to show his cute side. Smiling brightly as he spun dishes, he transformed into a happy clown for his photo.
It was later said that JYJ were able to take any object, from clubs to plates, and make witty poses with them, to the delight and awe of the staff.

Beautiful Fan Art....JYJ

یوچان خوشکلتره

[Article] 08/23/13 | Nitizen South Korea and skincare company give rating male idol

شرکت نیتیزن کره آیدول هایی که پوست زیبایی دارن رو معرفی کرده کی پاپ استارز ژاپن گفته که اینا  دارای پوست زیبایی هستن به طوریکه از پوست زنان هم زیباترن

نفر اول جیجی از جی وای جی که به عنوان اولین آیدول معرفی شده(طیق معمول که تو همه چارتای زیبایی هست)

ژوئن امسال از جیجی پرسیدن که راز زیباییه پوستت چیه اونم گفته هنگامی که یه مشکل پوستی دارم بلافاصله به متخصص رجوع میکنم شما نیاز دارین که به طور منظم و زیاد آب بخورین

نفرات بعدیه این لیست:

2 key shinee
3. Gunwoo My Name
4. Suho Exo
5. Jay Park ( Park jae bum)