[TRANS] 130822 53 Korean Idol Groups Are Nominated For The Hallyu 10th Anniversary Japanese Music Awards

جونسو نامزد جشنواره 10 فیلم برتر هالیو در ژاپن(فیلم یوچان هم تو این جشنواره هست)

JYJ (Park Yoochun, Kim Jaejoong, Kim Junsu)’s Kim Junsu has broken through the prejudices surrounding idols in the musical industry with his explosive presence in ‘Elisabeth’.
JYJ’s agency C-JeS Entertainment stated, “Kim Junsu has returned to the role of ‘Tod’ (Death) in the musical Elisabeth, which opened its curtains for the second time in July. Having been praised for his rendition last year, Kim Junsu has been praised as the one and only ‘XiahTod’ of the world for this year’s rendition.
They continued to add, “In all eight of his performances, since he began performing on the 14th of August, he has received a standing ovation. He has taken the musical by storm by evolving ‘Tod’ into a more beastly and dynamic character.”
If last year’s ‘XiahTod’ was like a beastly and instinctual panther, this year’s ‘XiahTod’ has returned as a cold but deadly ‘Vampire’ with black hair, red lips, and eye make-up that resembles the wings of death. As someone who was in the cast last year, Kim Junsu worked hard to analyze every scene and character as thoroughly as possible. His solo numbers such as ‘The Last Dance’ and ‘As the Shadows Grow Longer’ completely captivated his audience.
A representative of C-JeS Entertainment revealed, “Kim Junsu monitors all his performances after every show, and looks over every detailed movement and line, pouring all his passion into his work.”
Multiple sources stated, “Kim Junsu is the only musical actor who has sold out all of his performances in this Summer’s lineup of large-scale musicals. Because of his passion and the show’s top quality status, even overseas fans have chosen it as the must-see show of the season, and we hear that even scalper’s tickets are hard to find these days.”
Kim Junsu will step on stage again on the 28th of August at 8p.m. at the Seoul Arts Center’s Opera Hall.

[FANARTS] 130825 Collection of JYJ’s Fanarts: The JYJ Magazine Vol 2 & NII

فن آرتای جی وای جی مگزین و NII


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[HQ PICS] 130825 XiaTod in Elisabeth Musical

سری جدید عکسای موزیکال جونسو


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JeJung in Yokohama by Anju0126

سری جدید عکسای یوکوهاما



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T.W.I.T.T.E.R08.25.13 Friends Fellow Actors Elisabeth Men-tweet photos with XIATod

جونسو کم کم داره تغییر جنسیت میده ها

این آقا لی جی هون هستش که بازیگرنقش اول موزیکال الیزابت هست و با جونسو همکاری می کنه

[FAN ACCOUNT] 130825 A fan spotted Yuchun and Mama Park going shopping

یوچان و مامانش امروز به خرید رفته بودن

از زبان فن:من بعد از خرید از یک س.و.پ.ر مارکت داشتم اونجا رو ترک میکردم که یوچانو با مامانش در حال خرید مواد غذایی دیدم من از شوهرم خواهش کردم برگردیم و برای خرید ژامبون بریم چون اونجا بهترین جایی بود که میتونستم یوچانو و مامانشو بهتر ببینم

تجربه یک زن متاهل:پسری که قبل از ازدواج با مادرش میره خرید وقتی مرد یک خانواده بشه بعد از ازدواج هم با همسرش میره من به مادر یوچان حسادت میکنم...

(این شوهر نداشت چیکار میکرد از من به شما نصیحت بعد از ازدواج نرید یوچانو ببینید قبلش ببیبنید که مثل این خانوم مجبور نباشین به مادرش حسادت کنین گناه دارین خو)

Photos of Kim jae joong

مجموعه عکسای ججونگ ...تعدادشون خیلی زیاده سعی می کنم توچند تا پارت بذارم ولی عکسای فوق العاده ایه


ادامه مطلب ...


این جریان چه ربطی به تاپ داره؟ فقط من منتظرم ببینم دختری که قراره تو این فیلم بازی کنه کیه؟؟؟؟؟؟ یوچان تو این فیلم خیلی هوای عشقشو داره

Park Yuchun will make his movie debut through ‘Sea Fog’ which is produced by first timer Bong Jun Ho who directed “Snow Piercer”.
Planning to have an acting collaboration with big sunbae Kim Yun Seok and acting a charming character which will leave a deep impression on people.
Using the same title as the stage play for this movie, it describes about boarding on an illegal smuggling ship, sailing to the open sea with the struggling for survival and love of the crew members. It is chosen as an anticipated work of Chungmuro.
Park Yuchun who acted as Dong Shik in ‘Sea Fog’, is a crew member of the smuggling ship which the captain is acted by Kim Yun Seok.
To protect his love and oppose the daring captain, Dong Shik is a strong and charismatic character.
Just like during this period through few dramas, Park Yuchun has proved his acting skills and rating potential, leading people related hold strong faith in his movie debut this time.
One of Chungmuro related person stated, “Park Yuchun and Choi Seung Hyun are the rare examples among the acting-singing idols who in reality their acting skills are very precise.
Besides their fan base and celebrity power, they have high appraisal for their acting skills as the same level as full time actor.
This is also the reason a lot of producers are paying attention to these 2 idols.”

JYJ appeals for their Heart Campaign

جی وای جی از فناشون خواستن که محصولات NII رو خریداری کنن چون بخشی از این محصولات و همچنین سوده حاصل از اون به کمپین بین المللیه حقوق بشر هدیه میشه همینطور خود پسرا چیزی برای تبلیغ این محصولات نگرفتن تا جایی که تونستن حمایت کردن و کمک کردن این محصولات گسترش پیدا کنه


آهنگی که رو سریال میس ریپلی هست, یوچان خونده اسمش هست "جای خالی برای تو"