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واقعا پیشنهاد میکنم از دستش ندین....یوچون مثل همیشه پرفکته!!!
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راجع به پیام تشکر یوچان به فنای چینیش هست
The Chinese fan community of JYJ’s Park Yoochun has hit over 210,000 members, prompting the star to express some words of gratitude.
C-JeS Entertainment revealed, “Park Yoochun’s Baidu Community has hit over 210,000 members in commemoration of their ninth anniversary. Park Yoochun expressed his gratitude for his Chinese fans’ warm affection and love for him through a personal signature for the site. He has been gaining popularity in China for his roles in ‘Rooftop Prince’ and ‘I Miss You’, and he will work hard to return with a great follow-up production as the hottest Hallyu star in China.”
Park Yoochun sent the site a signature with the message, “Thank you, I’ll see you soon with a great production.”
Park Yoochun’s Baidu fan community has been gaining approximately 300 new members a day for the past year, showing just how popular the star is in China.
Park Yoochun’s drama ‘Rooftop Prince’ became the most watched Korean drama on China’s biggest video site, as well as the third most watched drama overall. Even six months after it finished airing, it still boasts over 90,000 hits a day, with the total number of views hitting 100 billion.
Meanwhile, Park Yoochun is currently reviewing possible follow-up productions.
جریان یوچانو سنگاپور چیه؟
اینم یه بیوی مختصر از میکی،اگه اطلاعات بیشتری میخواین بگید بذارم، هیچوقت به خنده هاش نگاه نکنین اون غمی که پشت خنده هاشه بیشتر به چشم میاد
نام: پارک یوچون
اسم مستعار:میکی
سال تولد:4 جون1986
محل تولد:سئول کره جنوبی
(virigina)بزرگ شده امریکا
خانواده: مادر وپدر و برادر کوچیک تر ریکی
یوچون در سئول کره جنوبی به دنبا اومد ولی زمانی که در پایه 6 درس میخوند به همراه خانوادش به امریکا رفت در امریکا با همون قواعد کره اس بزرگ شد و سرانجام به دبیرستان رفت در سال 2001 جایزه خوانندگی رو در مسابقه اس ام از آن خودش کرد
یوچون در گروه حساس ترین عضو محسوب میشه که در احساسات و هیجاناتش نوسانات زیادی داره و از این جهت زود ناراحت و ازرده میشه متاسفانه خانواده یوچون در صفا و ارامش کامل نبودن و مشکل طلاق زمان سختی رو برای میکی در امریکا به وجود اورد وقتی که تازه به امریکا رفته بود زبانش خوب نبود و یه شرایط ناراحت کننده رو به وجود اورده بود
یه بار تو یکی از معرفی ها از میکی پرسیدن که میخوای چیکار کنی اگه دوباره متولد بشی؟
گفت نمیخوام دفعه بعد این جوری متولد بشم
در سال 2006 میکی چون غذای مناسب نخورده بود قبل از رفتن به روی صحنه شروع کرد به گریه کردن و همیشه وقتی ماه رو در اسمون میدید احساس تنهایی میکرد و میزد زیر گریه
یکی دیگه از حالت ها زمانی بود که میکی از همه زودتر در طول شب از خواب بلند میشد و به سوی پل میرفت ماهی گیری میکرد اما جی جونگ همیشه به دنبالش میرفت تا در مواقع اورژانسی پیشش باشه و برای همینه که همیشه روح همدیگن و به قول جی جونگ میکی عین یه چیز واگیر دار بود که سه ماه نگذشته بهش مبتلا شدچانگمین درباره یوچون میگه :
فقط جنگیدن باهاشه که شفاش میده "جنگیدن با گریه کردن"
بچه ها وقتی داشتم اینو میخوندم آهنگ سیاه و سپید محمد اصفهانی و گوش میدادم دلم ترکید
شب سردیست و من، افسرده
راه دوریست و پایی، خسته
تیرگی هست و، چراقی مرده
میکنم تنها از جاده، عبور
دور ماندند زمن، آدمها
سایه ای از سر دیوار گذشت
غمی افزود مرا بر، غمها
خنده ای کو، که به دل انگیزم
قطره ای کو ،که به دریا ریزم
صخرهای کو، که بدان آویزم
مثل اینست که شب نمناک است
دیگران را هم، غم هست به دل
غم من لیک ،غمی غمناک است
ecently, there was the joyous news of Mick To thank the warmth of China fans, Park Yuchun conveyed his gratitude with a personally signed message. Standing in a stable position as China’s hottest Hallyu star with ‘Rooftop Prince’ and ‘Missing You’, Park Yuchun is expected to be meeting everyone with a good project.
اخیرا یه خبر خوش حال کننده از میکی اومده..برای تشکر از طرفدارای چینیش!!!
یوچون خودش پیام تشکرش رو منتقل کرده!
با سریال های به ستاره ای پایدار در چین تبدیل شده!
اسکن عکسای یوچان واسه پرویوس کوریا
ادامه مطلب ...
نظرتون درمورد یوچون سیبیلوووو چیه؟؟؟
<Music is My Life>
Another strength that motivates JYJ to stand together again, is music.
The relationship between JYJ and music is inseparable. From waking up to sleeping, music is everything to the members. Maybe it is the reason music is the bridge that gathers them together. For fans is also the same, the thing they get in touch first with JYJ is their music.
That is why, music is JYJ’s everything.
Jaejoong is unable to fall asleep without listening to music. Moreover, he’ll have wonderful dreams if he listens to good music. The songs in his playlist are the songs that he’ll listen repeatedly until he gets sick of them. Sometimes he’ll listen to J holiday’s music while getting to sleep. He also likes the songs he sang in his Asia tour this year. Recently, he’s obsessed with songs from American singer, Miguel.
Yuchun always listens to music when he’s moving around. His curiosity towards new things is very strong. Sometimes he’ll find new songs to listen to; sometimes he’ll choose some singles to listen. When he’s sad or down, he’ll listen to Epitone Project’s “Let’s Leave”. He likes the melody of the song. The song is talking about love and made him thinks of his carefree childhood. He can cure his heart aches when listening to “Let’s Leave”.
Junsu values his emotions a lot. When he’s sad, he’ll listen to more heart breaking songs to comfort himself. When happy, he’ll listen to up tempo songs. Junsu who loves the Mother Nature a lot, will think of sceneries when he’s listening to music. At the ending of a song, it feels like he has experienced the scenery he has imagined while listening to it. It is not exaggerating at all when saying “it is impossible to exclude music in your life”.
Choosing the music that they like, every song is chosen very seriously. How about the songs that they compose themselves? It is not only songs they like, it is more to songs that inspire them.
Yuchun is a very gentle person but when Jaejoong is working, nobody can disturb him. Even if when members are working together, when the work is completed about 80% and above, they’ll complete the remainder alone themselves. their work will also get smoother if the lights are dimmed.
Junsu sometimes will drink Americano instead of plain water when recording. It doesn’t matter if it is hot or cold, as long as it is Americano, he’ll be OK. He’ll only be calm when bringing up to 4 cups of Americano into the recording studio. Due to his habit of not drinking, coffee which contains caffeine is quite effective. With the help of caffeine, the condition of his throat will become better.