Junsu T.w.i.t.t.e.r Update

جونسو 5 مین پیش صفحه ی ت.و.ی.ی.تش رو آپدیت کرد..

خودش کو پس؟؟؟

Oh, and also.. Our C-JeS staff and Suhodae hyung & dongsaeng, I love you all^^ The person who’s wearing glasses whose name is mentioned in ‘Funny Song’.. is Jae-Deokie hyung^^ Jae-Eun noona why do [I] only see [your] one eye keke

و همچنین...کارمند C-Jes و برادر Suhodae و خواهرم...من همتون رو دوست دارم..مردی که عینک زده که به اسمش توی "Funny Song"اشاره شد...برادر Jae-Deokie هستش...چرا من فقط یه چشمتو میبینم!ک ک

And to all fans who laugh, cry, and jump [around] with me in Seoul and Busan, I love you all^^♥♥

و به همه ی طرفدارم که خندیدن...گریه کردن..و پریدن با من توی بوسان...عاشق همتونم!!!♥♥

Only ◆ Junsu ┧ ║ ║ Tutu cute little desktop wallpaper

والپیپرای پسرخوب گروه عاشق شخصیتشم


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KIMJUNSOO ‖ News ‖ 130613 ★ Investment Jeju Resort was rated most likely to

دم جی وای جیا گرم دارن کره رو میترکونن

در خبری که دیشب از شبکه  SBS پخش شد جونسو به عنوان ستاره مالی انتخاب شد
جونسو در روستای جیانگ تینگ در ججو سرمایه گذاری کرده در حال ساخت یه هتل به مساحت 66،000 متر مربع هست به ارزش حدود 15 میلیارد به همین دلیل اونوبه عنوان بهترین ستاره مالی انتخاب کردند،جونسو گاهی اوقات به جزیره ججو سفر میکرده می دیده که خارجی های زیادی اونجا رفت و آمد میکنن و از اونجا بازدید میکنن بنابراین تصمیم می گیره که اونجا سرمایه گذاری کنه،این هتل رو هم به اسم پدرش کرده... چند مدت پیش یه مراسم نیمه افتتاحیه برگزار کردن.اوایل پاییز هتل تکمیل میشه
(جونسو آدمیه که پولاشو خیلی خوب خرج میکنه
...خیلی خیلی هم آدم خیریه و به همه کمک میکنه
ازاین لحاظ بین خواننده های کی پاپ اوله)

Resorts in the 12th broadcast of SBS variety show "late-night TV Entertainment" and the star of the financial management were investigated. JYJ member Junsu is real estate investment experts selected as the "Best Real Estate Banking star."
Experts said that day: "Junsu Jiang Ting Village in Jeju investment, is building an area of ​​about 66,000 square meters, worth about 15 billion won class resort hotel, he is the best financial star."
It is reported that Junsu occasionally travel to Jeju Island to see there are many overseas visitors discovered the potential cause of the resort, so decided to invest in this area. Junsu and his father purchased an area of ​​66,000 square meters of land, the building has 65 rooms are hotel class resort will be completed this fall. Recently held a half-finished opening ceremony, announced the career officially began.
Real estate investment expert, said: "In the star is very great and I think that, this way, the real estate investment experts also can not help but sigh." Experts also said that Jang Keun Suk is representative Money star. He used 8.5 billion won to buy a house Xu Shiyuan, has risen to 11 billion won or more.

اینم یه نمای بازتر از هتل

[NEWS] 130614 Kim Junsu’s 8th contribution to “Habitat for Humanity” completed – Proven to be ‘Angel Xia

پایان پروژه مسکن مردم که جونسو شروعش کرده بود و به مردم بی خانه داده بود ،اسم این پروژه رو گذاشتن فرشته شیا

A cause supported by popular group JYJ’s Kim Junsu, ‘Habitat for Humanity’, has once again flourished. On June 13th, an international development and relief organization named ADRA KOREA revealed that Kim Junsu’s 8th ‘Xia Junsu’s Habitat for Humanity’ project has been completed.

Along with Kim Junsu, ‘Habitat for Humanity’ operates as a social contribution organization that works to improve the living conditions of underprivileged people, such as those who have disabled family members. Kim Junsu has donated to ADRA KOREA since 2008, and the organization has been built up through these funds.

On top of houses already finished in Dangjin, Paju, and Taean-gun, Xia Junsu’s 8th ‘House of Love’ in Icheon-si’s Moga-myeon in Gyeonggi-do is an 80㎡ wooden house that includes living facilities such as a kitchen, washroom, living room, and study room. Mrs. Park, who has been living a hard life in poor, inadequate conditions and raising her young children alone has a new house thanks to the help of Kim Junsu.

‘Habitat for Humanity’ chooses candidates to help through recommendations from the region and site visits. Houses are then build through donations by Kim Junsu and cooperation with volunteers. This time, approximately 100 volunteers participated in the construction of the house.

In the afternoon of June 12th, a completion ceremony attended by Kim Kyunghee, Icheon’s deputy mayor, and Kim Daesung, Chairman of ADRA KOREA, as well as guests and the 100 volunteers was held for everyone to share in the happiness of the completion. As Kim Junsu’s parents also attended the event, the meaning was even deeper. The beneficiaries Mrs. Park and her family were able to laugh again after a long time.

Kim Junsu’s father said, “The fact that everyone’s united devotion and love helped to give a family a new life has a very deep meaning” and “Junsu was also very happy to hear that the project had been completed. Through today’s completion ceremony, our family has also committed to sharing happiness with our neighbors in the future and becoming a family that puts love into action.”

ADRA KOREA’s Chairman, Kim Daesung, stated, “Making sacrifices and helping other people as one lives is a very fruitful” and “Even at a young age, Kim Junsu along with his family have actively participated in giving back to their neighbors. I am very moved by their devotion.”

Kim Junsu has not only done good deeds in Korea, but continues to help those overseas as well. In 2011, Kim Junsu built a school in a remote village in Cambodia and continues to support the impoverished and improving the unsafe living conditions through social organizations.

ADRA is one of the world’s major welfare organizations that was established through the UN in 1997 and has received comprehensive consultative status. In particular, the United Nations Economic and Social Council has recognized ADRA as a professional advisory body. ADRA is active in more than 120 countries with over 4000 activists working towards providing basic education, disaster response, economic development, food security, and basic health.

On the other hand, Kim Junsu will release his second full album in the upcoming July and will meet his fans through reprising his role as Tod in the musical ‘Elizabeth’

130628 JYJ Kim Junsu’s Mother Sees Her Son’s Fans as Her Daughters

بچه ها من دارم پستا اون وبو بر میگردونم خبرای جالبو پایین نمیبرم که یه دوره بشن

مصاحبه مادر جونسو:ما در یک اتاق زندگی می کردیم که حتی حموم و دستشویی هم نداشت من احساس خیلی بدی داشتم و نگران بچه هام بودم تا اینکه یک روز خیلی گریه میکردم جونسو اومد اشکامو پاک کرد و گفت: وقتی بزرگ شیم به آدمای خیلی بزرگش تبدیل می شیم من برات یه خونه میخرم که مثل نقاشی ها می مونه(واقعا هم خونشون مثل نقاشی ها می مونه خیلی خوشکله)

As popular as JYJ’s Kim Junsu is, his mother is just as well-known.
In a recent interview with magazine, Housewife Living, Kim Junsu’s mother, Yoon Young Mi opened up the doors to their beautiful house. The luxury house, which has been spotlighted by the media on more than one occasion, proved to have just about everything, including a karaoke room, a bar, and a PC room.

During the interview, Yoon Young Mi talked about her son’s fans, whom she communicates with daily via Twitter.
“Whenever fans come to me saying, ‘Mother,’ they really seem like my daughters and there are so many people that I wish were my daughter-in-law,” said Yoon Young Mi. “They come to me saying that because they liked Junsu, their depression went away and their life seems to have an energy boost. Whenever I hear stories like these, I’m really happy and thankful. I hope the fans also live happy and healthy.”

On their beautiful home, Yoon Young Mi talked about how when Junsu and his twin brother were growing, the family was going through a lot of difficulties.
“We lived in a one-room that didn’t even have a bathroom. I felt so terrible to my kids that I ended up crying one day. Junsu came to me, wiping my tears away and said, “When we grow up, we’ll become great people. So later, we’ll buy you a house that looks like a painting.”
Yoon Young Mi continued, “We signed the contract to his house right before Junsu left TVXQ, and he was upset that he wasn’t able to keep his promise because the situation was rough. But after he finished his musical and kept up his activities, he really made this house into ours. I don’t know how much I cried and prayed after coming to this house.”
The entire interview will be included in the July issue.

MV XIA (Junsu) - Incredible

جونسو و ام وی،ام وی و و جونسو رقصش خیلی باحاله

Junsu T.w.i.t.t.e.r Update

آپدیت ت.و.ی.ی.ت.ر جونسو...

Today’s the last concert in Korea~~ Let’s play and conclude this successfully^^

امروز آخرین کنسرت توی کره هستش~~بیایید در مورد بازی کنیم و با موفقیت نتیجه گیری کنیم!!!

Hansol-ah, let’s get an education..^^

Hansol-ah,بیایید تحصیل کنیم...

[PICS] 130810 XIA Incredible Concert in Busan (Day 1)

عکسای کنسرت دیروز ،شک ندارم حسابی ترکونده بوده،من عاشق این دنسرای آمریکایی هستم دختراشون ماهیچه دارن


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Junsu (XIA) puts on a surprise performance at Busan club

و بازهم جونسو...

چقدر جونسو دوستای خارجکی داره شیطون!!!

JYJ‘s Junsu (XIA) rocked a beachside club in Haeundae, Busan with a surprise performance!  On the morning of August 10 KST, Junsu suddenly made an appearance at a club,. It appears that he wanted to get the city of Busan pumped up for his Asia tour concert. Along with an American dance crew, Junsu put on an energetic stage with a remix of “Incredible“.  A rep commented, “We knew Junsu’s tour would stop by Busan, so we booked him for this weekend. We plan to remix a lot of his dance songs. As last week marked the start of the vacation season, a lot of foreigners have been coming to the club, and when Junsu entered, the response was hot. Everyone took pictures and videos to put on their SNS.”  One clubgoer said, “A siren went off, and he was there. I was so surprised. Oh my god! It was an incredible performance. It was all I could dream for. It was seriously an incredible night.”  Busan is the fourth stop for Junsu’s ‘XIA 2nd Asia Tour Concert INCREDIBLE‘ on the 10th and 11th.

مثل اینکه حسابی داره توی بوسان خوش میگذرونه!!!

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به نظر میرسه که جونسو شهر بوسان رو مثل یه پمپ برای تور آسیاییش قرار داده!!!...

ما میدونیم که تور جهانی جونسو با بوسان استاپ میشه!برای همینم ما اونو برای آخر هفته رزروش کردیم!!!

ما برنامه داریم که رقص آهنگهاش رو ریمیکس کنیم!!!

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2 تا عکس دیگه ادامه...


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