[NEWS] 131216 JYJ's Kim Jaejoong lands in Osaka to prepare for 1st Album Asia Tour

ججونگ در حال آماده شدن برای تور آسیایی خود در اوزاکا

JYJ ’s Kim Jae Joong departed for Osaka, Japan yesterday (December 15th), to prepare for his upcoming 1st Album Asia Tour in a few days’ time.
C-JES Entertainment said, “Kim Jae Joong left for Japan yesterday to prepare for his upcoming concerts in Osaka. Despite not revealing any information about Jae Joong’s arrival time through the media, there were still 300 fans who came to welcome him at the airport in Japan. Jae Joong greeted the fans warmly, and thanked them for coming to the airport as they cheered his arrival.”
Jae Joong had released his 1st full-length album ‘WWW: Who, When, Why’ in October, before embarking on his 1st Album Asia Tour starting with Seoul. He has since performed in Japan’s Yokohama, Taiwan, and China’s Nanjing.
The concert sees Jae Joong perform a variety of rock genre songs from his 1st album in a live manner, and have greatly won a lot of praise from fans. All 60,000 tickets for his Yokohama concerts on November 15th and 16th were sold out.
Jae Joong’s Osaka concerts will take place on December 17th and 18th.

[EDITORIAL] 131213 KDrama Stars: The Top Ten Kdrama ...K..i..s...s..e....s Of 2013 – “Missing You”

ده ب..و..س....ه برتر کی درام در سال 2013 معرفی شدن که ب...و..س...ه های یوچان در فیلم دلم برات تنگ شده اول شده تو کره هرچی مسابقه ب.و.س.ه هست یوچان صدره،نه واقعا چرا؟
Kdrama k..i..s..s..i...ng scenes are memorable for several reasons. They may be poignant, signifying something important in the plot. They may be clever such as the coca cola kiss in “Lie To Me” or the foam k..i...s..s in “Secret Garden.” Or they may just be great kisses. Here are our contenders for the top ten k..i..s..s..e...s in 2013.
- “Missing You”
Both the dressing room kiss and the roadside k..i..s...s are contenders because the couple finally puts past tragedy behind them and realized how much they love each other. And both Yoon Eun Hye and Park Yoochun are quite good at k...i..s..s..i..n...g

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Jaejoong & Yoochun’s new Restaurant ‘Bum’s Akasaka

در تاریخ 13 دسامبر به طور رسمی اعلام شد که رستوران پرطرفدار کره ای – ژاپنی ‘Bum’s’ که توسط یوچون و جی جونگ در Akasaka توکیو در تاریخ 17 دسامبر بازگشایی خواهد شد.
این رستوران که مورد تایید هر سنی می باشد , ‘Bum’s’ یکی از مشهرترین رستوران های Nonhyeon-dong, Gangnam-gu سئول می باشد.
این بار نیز شعبه ژاپنی این رستوران که توسط یوچون و جی جونگ اداره می شود با ارائه یک منوی غذایی متنوع و جدید پذیرای مهمان های کره ای و ژاپنی و تمامی مردم از سراسر جهان می باشد.

[PICS] 131216 PlayDB: Growing more as an ‘Actor’, “December” Kim Junsu

عکسای جدید جونسو برای موزیکال دسامبر

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Fan Video for Xia Junsu’s Birthday on Digital Screen of Tombori Station in Osaka

کلیپ فنا برای تولد جوسنو در ایستگاه تومبوری در اوازاکای ژاپن پخش شد
On December 15, 2013 at 12:15 PM JST, ‘Xia Junsu Happy Message’ video was played on the digital screen of Tombori Station in Dotonbori, Osaka. The video contains messages from fans in celebration of Junsu’s birthday, organized by ‘POSARUXIA’ and ‘Hello XIA’.

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131216 Kim Junsu T..w..i..t..t...e..r Update: Surprise Birthday Party!

ت.و.ی.ی.ت جدید جونسو:
Older and younger brothers..  All of them were waiting until now-the end of the rehearsal because they wanted to have a party for me.. and really, thanks so much to prepare the surprising party~~~!!!!!~~~~~~~^^^^

[FAN EVENT] 131214 JYJ Lovers in the Philippines celebrates Happy 28th XIADAY

فنای فیلیپینی هم که واسه تولد جونسو حسابی گل کاشتن

he JYJ Lovers in the Philippines celebrated #Happy28thXIADAYtoday, December 14, 2013 at KBOB Restaurant and Family KTV. The admins thought of celebrating our beloved Xia Junsu’s special day with a BANG…It’s NoraeBANG! It was a fun-filled afternoon as the admins and guests sang with all their hearts to Junsu and JYJ songs.
A simple celebration became an #Incredible experience for all attendees as the guests vied to take home our major prize, an Incredible Album with poster by getting the highest Noraebang Score. The Winner got a score of 99%. Consolation prizes composed of Junsu mini standees, posters, bag tags, socks and other JYJ items were likewise given to participants.
The JYJ Singing bees also enjoyed the Junsu Cupcakes. They became sweeter and yummier because Junsu’s pictures were on them ^__^
We wish our dear Junsu good health, happiness and more success for the coming years together with Jaejoong and Yoochun. We will always give our LOVE and full support to our boys. <3<3<3
Saengil chukhahae Junsu-ya… Saranghaeyo!!! #JYJForever

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[PICS] 131215 Kim Junsu celebrates his birthday with his fellow cast members at ‘December’ rehearsal

جونسو تولدشو با همکارای بازیگرش در موزیکال دسامبر جشن گرفت

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[PICS] 131214~15 ‘28 XIA DAY’ Photo Exhibition in Dukwon Gallery, Seoul

دیروز تولد شیا جونسوی عزیز بودهبه همین خاطر یه نمایشگاه عکس از جونسو در سئول برگزار کردن. تولدش فوق العاده بوده تو کشورهای مختلف تولدای زیادی گرفتن حتی در کشورای اروپایی و آمریکایی یه کلیپ از تولد جونسو در اسکرین دیجیتال های کره و ژاپن پخش کرده بودن و خیلی کارای دیگه ای که انجام دادن واقعا باشکوه بوده

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[INSTAGRAM] 131214 Kim Jaejoong Instagram Update: Dress Code for Osaka’s Concerts

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