این هم ادامه همون مجله ست،نمیدونم چرا همشو با هم نمیذارن
Fans who protect JYJ warm heartedly, do not need any vanity or compliments. They allow us to breathe happily. Their love and trust never changed. They are the people JYJ is unable to leave behind in the past, at present and also in the future.
The members of JYJ feel apologetic towards everyone all along. As the most dependable friend who protects us, believes in us all this while, who follows us, we are not able to express our gratitude merely in words towards them. And then, members unanimously stated that their moment of gratitude is when everyone supports them in silence, and the moment when relying on the strong confidence by everyone which made them more glorious, is most beautiful. Common words like “Always concern about you” “Always listen to your songs”, is the proof that give us strongest confidence, and is our biggest support. We are thankful of this more than anything.
Yuchun stated: “As students, office workers or housewives, they have their own studies and work. People who still have time to come watch our concert, that kind of beauty which warm people’s heart, really blows my mind off. ”
Junsu: “Whenever thinking of fans, my heart will generate a very powerful strength. I’m jealous of the relationship between SeoXX sunbae, XXX sunbae (Refer pics attached of the two sunbae mentioned here…Anyone wanna know more, do google them on your own) and their fans who are like their friends.
But honestly, I’m still hesitant on approaching fans in a relaxed way. From the moment my definition of fans becomes more easy-going; I am scared that I will become relaxed and easy-going too. Fans do not wish for this I guess. Even if it is to motivate myself a bit or a reason to pressure myself, I think that it is important to keep a certain distance.”
Nonetheless, fans unconsciously became close like friends.
There are times when fans address Jaejoong as “Prince Jaejoong” while he is performing on stage or when writing letters. He naturally would want to reply them “What is it?” It should be a very relaxing way to express as a friend. Actually, Jaejoong has a special experience with fans becoming friends.
Jaejoong: “She’s an international fan. I knew her when she was 14 years old. About 10 years ago I received her letter which she included her own photo in it. During schedules I saw her face. She studied Korean diligently and got enrolled into the university that I recommended. She graduated as the top student and works in the company that I suggested. Her circle of friends also became my friends too.”
منتظرت می مونم....
Yuchun “I will be waiting for you”
Oceans apart, day after day,
and I slowly go insane.
I hear you voice on the line,
But it doesn’t stop the pain.
If I see you next to never,
How can we say forever?
Wherever you go, whatever you do,
I will be right here waiting for you;
Whatever it takes,
Or how my heart breaks,
I will be right here waiting for you.
I took for granted all the times
That I thought would last somehow.
I hear the laughter,
I taste the tear,
But I can’t get near you now.
Oh,can’t you see, baby,
You’ve got me going crazy?
Wherever you go, whatever you do,
I will be right here waiting for you;
Whatever it takes,
Or how my heart breaks,
I will be right here waiting for you.
I wonder
How we can survive this romance,
But in the end
If I’m with you
I’ll take the chance.
Oh,can’t you see it,baby,
You’ve got me going crazy?
Wherever you go, whatever you do,
I will be right here waiting for you;
Whatever it takes,
Or how my heart breaks,
I will be right here waiting for you.
Waiting for you.
ت.و.ی.ی.ت جدید ججونگ:(این حرفای فلسفیش منو کشته)
[TRANS] Attacker and defender. Speaker and listener. Doers and sufferers.
It does not matter.
If there is a conflict because of misleading and contradictory words and actions..
Whether it’s too much or not, it depends on the person’s criteria.
عکسای کنسرت دیروز ،شک ندارم حسابی ترکونده بوده،من عاشق این دنسرای آمریکایی هستم دختراشون ماهیچه دارن
My Dear The JYJ
جی وای جی عزیز من
یوچون: " قبلا دچار یک عشق یک طرفه شده بودم اما قبل از اینکه به اعضا بگم اونا می دونستن من زنهایی رو دوست دارم که از من بزرگترن و می تونم راحت باهاشون صحبت کنم کسایی که افکار روشنی دارن. به خانم های 30 ساله فکر می کنم حتی 40 ساله . هیچ وقت هم این نظرم رو عوض نمی کنم.
یوچون این را بدون هیچ حساسیتی گفت .او وقتی که با اعضا است خودش را پنهان نمی کند اما اگر چیزی در مورد دیگران باشد که او نداند خیلی رویش پافشاری نمی کند در این مواقع او می گوید:"واقعا باید این موضوع رو بدونم؟ فکر نمی کنم دلم بخواد همه چیز رو بدونم هر کسی چیزهایی داره که نمی خواد اشکار بشه .سبک زندگی هم متفاوته .فکر نمی کنم دونستن همه چیز خیلی لازم باشه اگر قرارباشه همه چیز هر چیز کوچک رو بدنید مربوط به خودخواهی شما میشه نه؟"
با سخنان یوچون میشه فهمید اعضا در بین خودشون اعتماد قوی را ساختند.اگر با نگاه های دیگران متوجه وضعیت نشوند و سعی کنند تا متوجه بشوند و نتوانند به راحتی می توانند از روی نگاه اعضا همه چیز را بفهمند.درست مثل یک پیوند عمیق بین دو برادر ، فراتر از دو دوست انها به دویدن ادامه می دهند. هنگامی که مراقب یوچون بودند که مجبور بود غمهایش را به دنیا نشان ندهد
اشک هایی که جونسو و ججونگ برایش ریختند براستی از زیباترین الماس های دنیاست
مترجم : ساجده
انجمن هواداران جی وای جی JYJfans.
آپدیت لاین:
[TRANS] [Official] While he was recording the narration, he told ‘so adorable’ and ‘so lovely’ to animals repeatedly ^^
من هیچی نمیگم فقط ببینین
اول اینو دانلود کنین
اینم از یه نمای دیگه
هرکس بعد از دیدن این کلیپا از عشق یوچون خواست بمیرهبهم بگه تا به لیست شهدای در راه یوچون اضافش کنم
(یه عالمه کلیپ از یوتی دانلود کردم دخترای خوبی باشید تا براتون بذارم )
من خودم یکی از طرفداری سرسخت ریمیکس ترانه بی مای گرل هستم ینی یه چیزیه در حد ترانه های ایکون این یکی از اجراهای زندشونه فکرکنم سئول باشه ،تیپ هر سه تاشونم توحلقم
(به پیرهن جه جونگ دقت کنین همون پیرهنیه که هیون هم میپوشه
یه قسمت کوتاه از کنسرت پرو هست که جونسو رو آهنگ بی مای گرل یه حرکت محمد خردادیانی میره